2006 Expedition to Lovelock

By Peter Kelly

As much related to “Flight Stories” as it is to “Social”

The previous year Rex moved the operation to Montague for the third time, but now he was thinking about bigger and better road trips.  Why not somewhere in Nevada?  Soaring is always good in the high desert.

In August 2006 a WSC support team (including tow planes and various trailers) and members of VSA, went to Lovelock, Nevada for a week

Enroute, three of the gliders camped overnight at Tahoe, so as not to have to make the drive from Williams to Lovelock all in one day.  It made the drive easier.

Seen here is the caravan leaving Truckee Airport heading for Lovelock. At the airport, Rex tops off the fuel tank on the Pawnee tow plane and he too continues  the journey to Lovelock.




On the second day of the expedition there were seven or eight gliders flying each day.  A pilot meeting was held each morning, and pilots studied the weather and discussed their plans for the day.


The Lovelock Area South of I-80, East of Reno


This is the general area around Lovelock Nevada.






eating out first night








Fancy Hotel was a nice facility and not expensive









The ramp with a few of the ships




















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